8:50 a.m. - 9:40 a.m. Sessions
What Have We Lost? A Unified Effort to Preserve & Increase Access to NC Community College History
Presenters: Clark Adams, Debbie Luck, and Lisa Gregory
Contact: ncccarchivesassociation@gmail.com
How to Sound Like a Medical Librarian Even If You Aren't One
Kory Paulus, CPCC, Kory.Paulus@cpcc.edu
Amy Burns, CPCC, Amy.Burns@cpcc.edu
Textbook Affordability & Open Educational Resources (OER) at Your Library
Caroline Hallam, NC LIVE, caroline@nclive.org
Beth Bernhardt, UNC-G, beth_bernhardt@uncg.edu
Garrison Libby, Tidewater CC, alibby@tcc.edu
David Wright, Surry CC, wrightd@surry.edu
Elizabeth Siler, UNC-C, esiler3@uncc.edu
1:50 p.m. - 2:40 p.m. Sessions
The Myths & Facts of Copyright
Presenter: Cheryl Ann Coyle, Central Piedmont CC, Cheryl.Coyle@cpcc.edu
Get Graphic! Use Multimedia eResources to Promote Your Library
Caroline Hallam, NC LIVE, caroline@nclive.org
Samantha O'Connor, CCCC, socon214@cccc.edu
More than Bathrooms: Protecting Rights in North Carolina?
Michael Crumpton, UNC-G, macrumpt@uncg.edu
Rodney Lippard, USC Aiken, RodneyL@usca.edu
2:50 p.m. - 3:40 p.m. Sessions
Let's Make Something! Exploring Maker Activities in Our Libraries
Samantha O'Connor, CCCC, socon214@cccc.edu
Julie Humphrey, Durham Tech CC, humphreyj@durhamtech.edu
Calvin Craig, Gaston College, craig.calvin@gaston.edu
Making Friends & Influencing Decisions: Planning a Student Advisory Board in a Community College Library
Lisa Shores, Rowan-Cabarrus CC, lisa.shores@rccc.edu
Tim Hunter, Rowan-Cabarrus CC, timothy.hunter@rccc.edu
All About the New NC LIVE Website
Presenter: Josh Wilson, NC LIVE, help@nclive.org
8:30 a.m. - 9:20 a.m. Sessions
Community Colleges, Libraries, Librarians, & Student Success
Rejeanor Scott, Edgecombe CC, scottr@edgecombe.edu
Nora Bird, UNC-G, njbird@uncg.edu
Leadership in Community College Libraries: Challenges & Opportunities
Presenter: David Wright, Surry CC, wrightd@surry.edu
Inventory: What Makes Us Crazy
Presenter: Maria Luisa Saldarriaga Osorio, Surry CC, osoriom@surry.edu
9:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. Sessions
Telling Your Story!
Michael Crumpton, UNC-G, macrumpt@uncg.edu
Nora Bird, UNC-G, njbird@uncg.edu
Don't Reinvent the Wheel 2.0: Instruction-Bound
Cheryl Ann Coyle, Central Piedmont CC, Cheryl.Coyle@cpcc.edu
Kory Paulus, CPCC, Kory.Paulus@cpcc.edu
11:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Sessions
Engaging Generation Z: High School Students in Community College Libraries
MaryAnne Caudle, Martin CC, mcaudle@martincc.edu
Saundra Pinkham, Beaufort CC, saundra.pinkham@beaufortccc.edu
Millie Sparks, Pitt CC, msparks@email.pittcc.edu
Catherine Tingelstad, Wake Tech CC, cjtingelstad@waketech.edu
Christine Vasica, James Sprunt CC, cvasica@jamessprunt.edu
Information Literacy & Critical Thinking: A QEP Experience
Staci Wilson, Catawba Valley CC, swilson@cvcc.edu
Michael Boone, Catawba Valley CC, mboone@cvcc.edu
Emily Whiteley, Catawba Valley CC, ewhiteley@cvcc.edu
12:10 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sessions
Community College Library Event Planning: Tips & Tricks
Presenter: Michael Rose, Guilford Tech CC, marose1@gtcc.edu
How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love My NC LIVE Usage Statistics
Claire Leverett, NC LIVE, claire@nclive.org
Caroline Hallam, NC LIVE, caroline@nclive.org