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Faculty Services: Home

In support of the college’s mission to provide “...high-quality education, workforce training, and lifelong enrichment in an innovative and inclusive learning environment” the library provides a number of services to Carteret CC faculty. In addition to the services listed below, the library always welcomes new opportunities for collaboration with faculty.

Please contact the library with any questions about existing services, or suggestions for new services.


To get a library card, visit the circulation desk and complete a library card application. Please have your driver's license or photo ID.
Faculty Loan Periods
Books and Instructional AV 5 weeks
Films 1 week
Reference Books 1 day




Note: If library materials are needed on a semi-permanent basis, a semester-long check-out period can be arranged by contacting the library at 252-222-6213 or by email:

New Materials Request

To request the purchase of new materials for the library, complete one Faculty Materials Request Form for each item requested; this form may also be obtained at the Circulation Desk.

Ordering materials is contingent upon the availability of funds; therefore, you should prioritize your requests so that those items of most importance are ordered first. To ensure that the correct item is ordered, please send the catalog along with the Request Form.  For more information, contact Elizabeth Baker at 222-6216 or email:

Reserve Requests

The library provides a Reserve service for faculty and students. Reserves are held at the circulation desk. Faculty members can request that  materials be placed on Reserve and then students can check out the materials from the circulation desk. We ask that the faculty follow these guidelines when placing materials on Reserve:

  • Please allow 48 hours for processing
  • Fill out one Reserve Request Form per item
  • Turn in the form and the materials to be placed on Reserve to the library

When giving assignments involving Reserve materials, please inform your students of the following:

  • Students must be registered library borrowers
  • Library card applications are available at the circulation desk
  • The circulation time on Reserve materials is set by the instructor, not the library
  • There is a 50¢ per day per item overdue fine

Bibliographic Instruction

Do your students need library resources for an assignment? Bring them over for a quick demo of whatever database(s) or websites they’re likely to find useful. Bibliographic Instruction (BI) sessions can be narrowly focused on a specific assignment or can take a more comprehensive approach to doing research--whatever works for the instructor and the class. We recognize that every class and assignment is different, and so content for bibliographic instruction is tailored to the particular needs of the instructor or assignment.

Typical assignment-based BI sessions last about 50 minutes, with about 25 minutes of instruction and demonstration followed by 25 minutes of independent researching, with the instructional librarian on hand to advise and assist. Students gain confidence by successfully finding relevant articles and information on their research topics. Each session is directed toward demystifying the research process and empowering students to explore and experiment with the resources available to them. Important traditional library skills concepts such as basic Boolean operators, avoiding plagiarism, “scholarly vs. popular”, evaluation of information, and proper citing of resources are also addressed whenever appropriate.

Active learning is recognized as a hugely important part of library skills acquisition. This is why classes typically include time for independent database or catalog searching. Instructors are strongly encouraged to schedule their classes around specific assignments.

Specifically, instructors who bring in their classes can expect:

  • Introduction to library homepage and services
  • How to get help from a librarian
  • Overview/demonstration of databases
  • Overview/demonstration of catalog
  • Individual research practice

To schedule bibliographic instruction, please contact Eva Earles at 222-6247 or email Please schedule sessions as early in the semester as possible (but at least 48 hours in advance) and provide the following information:

  • Instructor’s name
  • Phone number
  • Title of course
  • Number of students in class
  • The student's assignment
  • Proposed date and time of session 

A short introduction to library resources – We can also visit your class and provide a short (5-10min) introduction to library resources. We will highlight resources your students can use to conduct research for class assignments and answer any questions students have about the library. 

Collection Review

The library provides tools to assist faculty in reviewing and evaluating program-specific library materials. These tools can be utilized prior to the beginning of a semester and for Curriculum Program Reviews. Library collection usage information is available for assistance in evaluating your collections; this is done before the collection evaluation is completed. To request library collection usage statistics, please print the Collection Usage Request Form and submit to Eva Earles. To evaluate the library collections for your program, please print and complete the Collection Evaluation Form based on your collection usage data. Once the form has been filled out, please submit to Eva Earles. For additional information, you can contact Eva at 222-6247 or email:   

Open Educational Resources

"Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research resources released under an open license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. OER can be textbooks, full courses, lesson plans, videos, tests, software, or any other tool, material or technique that supports access to knowledge" (Definition from SPARC Open Education Fact Sheet). 

To find OER, try the CCC Library Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER)

Copyright Information for Faculty

This guide is designed to provide general information on copyright. Find information about the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Fair Use, the use of movies/videos in the classroom, and the TEACH Act.

Copyright Information for Faculty