*Need NC LIVE password to access these resources
To access Microsoft Word 2010 resume templates:
To access Microsoft Word 2013 resume templates:
If you have an online portfolio, a Linkedin profile, a personal website, or a blog, add the link to this page at the top of your resume in your heading. Add this link if this page is appropriate and relevant for a particular job.
A cover letter is your chance to introduce your resume to potential employers. Cover letters are good opportunities to show your written communication skills, show that you are tailoring your resume to each job posting, and why you are a good match for the job and the organization.
Cover letter resources:
From Purdue OWL: What is a Cover Letter? and Cover Letter Workshop- Formatting and Organization
From Job and Career Accelerator: Build a Great Cover Letter*
From LearningExpress Library: Great Cover Letters Tutorial*
*You will need the NC LIVE password to use this resource. This password is available in your Moodle page under the "CCC Library" tab.