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COM 231: Persuasive Speech

Speech Guidelines

The goal of this speech is to persuade.  You are to try to change the thinking of your audience that may ultimately lead to a change in behavior.  Give us something specific that you want us to do/believe/change that relates to your audience. You need three scholarly articles, and two other credible sources. 

Time and Grading:

  • 100 points total
  • No less than 6 minutes, no longer than 8 minutes; points deducted for over/under as indicated on the grading rubric.

Final Draft Manuscript with Reference PageThis document is to be a verbatim (word for word) written text of what you intend to say in your speech.  This is your final edited piece that emphasizes your structure, language, opening and closing.  Again, you are NOT permitted to read from your manuscript in this or any presentation. This document is to be submitted online in Moodle prior to your speech, and is used by your instructor for reference. You are to deliver this speech extemporaneously, which means that you will NOT read directly from this manuscript. Instead, you will deliver this speech from speaking notes, EXTEMPORANEOUSLY!

There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on late work turned in for this speech. If you do not have your presentation ready by your scheduled in-class speech day, you will get a zero. The same goes for the manuscript and reference page, which will be submitted on Moodle prior to your speaking day.