Are you having trouble getting started on your research project? Do you need background information on your topic? Try Credo. Credo Reference is a premier virtual reference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files, and videos in a wide expanse of subject areas.
Dogwood Digital Library is an online collection of eBooks and audiobooks. Content can be enjoyed on your mobile device by downloading the free Libby app in your app store.
Thousands of high quality videos on business & economics, health & medicine, humanities & social sciences, and science & mathematics, as well as travel and fitness programming, home and how-to videos, indie films, and popular music performances.
This database is similar to CQ Researcher, but also includes links to dozens (sometimes hundreds) of related editorials and newspaper and magazine articles. Finding information is as easy as choosing a topic from the long list of topics available.
SIRS reports share some features with the CQ Researcher reports. For instance, you will find an overview of your topic, along with pro/con essays. Also look for the "Timeline" and "Critical Thinking" links, which contain additional information on the topic. Articles found in SIRS include citations already formatted into APA and MLA.
Statista is a statistical portal that integrates data on over 80,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single platform. Sources of information include market research, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Statistics can be exported as PNG, PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint files.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with areas of study such as Business, Health, Criminal Justice, Science, Humanities, Political Science and more. Features reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national and local news sources. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device